Got Creative Block? Get moving!
The philosopher and author Henry Thoreau claimed that his thoughts began to flow ‘the moment my legs began to move.’

Got Creative Block?  Get moving!

We’ve all been there.  We’re faced with an important task or job, the kind that requires a flow of creativity, and then the mind goes blank.  Like nada.  And there’s nothing more frustrating in an instance like this, because you simply cannot force creativity.

But there is good news for those who do suffer from creative blocks.

Researchers have found that those who participate in a regular active lifestyle experience a higher amount of creativity than those who live a more sedentary lifestyle.

“Cognitive psychologist Professor Lorenza Colzato of Leiden University in The Netherlands, found that those who exercised for four times a week were able to think more creatively than those with a more sedentary lifestyle.  When tested, the volunteers who exercised regularly performed better on a series of cognitive tests.  Scientists have discovered that taking part in regular exercise such as going for a walk or riding a bike really does improve creative thought.”

“Exercising on a regular basis may thus act as a cognitive enhancer promoting creativity in inexpensive and healthy ways.”  (source)

And this doesn’t mean that your exercise regimen needs to be too terribly extreme, either.  (Unless you’d like it that way!)  Walking, jogging or cycling are activities that will help the brain more efficiently obtain oxygen, which results in enhancement of creativity and cognitive function.

“‘The more efficiently the brain obtains oxygen, the better it works.’  Aerobic exercise such as cycling, running, or walking increase the flow of blood to the brain, and help you to think more clearly, recall information , and learn more efficiently. Cognitive function, including creativity is enhanced by as little as 30 minutes of aerobic exercise, and the effect can last for up to 2 hours afterwards.”  (source)

You will, however, want to stay moving once you’ve started ~ because these benefits are most likely noted in those who are physically fit:

Newsweek magazine reported that, “Almost every dimension of cognition improves from 30 minutes of aerobic exercise, and creativity is no exception. The type of exercise doesn’t matter, and the boost lasts for at least two hours afterward. However, there’s a catch: this is the case only for the physically fit. For those who rarely exercise, the fatigue from aerobic activity counteracts the short-term benefits.”

So give it a try ~ next time you find your fingers stumbling over your keyboard due to an immense writer’s block, or you just can’t seem to come up with that last logo concept, drop everything and head outside for some fresh air and get your heart rate pumping!  I guarantee you’ll return to your craft feeling rejuvenated and fresh.

When you’re struggling with a creative block, what do you do to get the juices flowing again?

Stay tuned, because I will be following up this blog post with some creativity-inducing workouts that can be done from the comfort of your own office.  I’ll also be interviewing a few fellow creative/fitness professionals who will be sharing their experiences related to giving their mind the creative boost it needed through active lifestyles!